From Craig Miller
Events Division Manager, LAcon V

Modern Worldcons are much bigger, more complicated affairs than they were in 1984, the first time the World Science Fiction Convention came to Anaheim. (I ought to know; I was co-chair of that convention). Fans have broader interests today and we want more kinds of stuff.

Some of that will be covered by the broadness of the convention’s Program. Other things will be on a grander scale. Some of them grand enough that they’ll be held in Anaheim Convention Center’s domed Arena or in the surrounding Arena Plaza, a 64,000 sq. ft. outdoor event space. Those things fall under the convention’s Events Division (as well as things more “intimate” but different from the panels and speakers that fill the Program.)

At two years out, it’s a little early to have many specifics in place. But some of it we’re already working on. Events at LAcon V will include some Worldcon events that are traditional (like Opening and Closing Ceremonies, the Masquerade, and the Hugo Awards), some things occasional (like plays, performances, and concerts), and some things unusual. Or even weird.

What, exactly, those last might be would be telling.

If you have any ideas for events for LAcon V, or would like to get involved and help, please contact us at

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