Adventure awaits. It’s true. It’s not just the slogan we chose when we began this journey, our bid to host the 2026 World Science Fiction Convention; it’s a motto we strive toward, each and every day. For what is a Worldcon anyway, if not a grand adventure?

Welcome to LAcon V… our adventure in the making. For the past two years, we’ve been on this journey behind the scenes: making plans, inviting guests, creating our themes, reaching out. You may have seen us in passing at one of the many conventions we attended. We’ve welcomed many different personalities to our team, from those of us local to Los Angeles, to convention organizers and active fans across America and the globe.

There’s only one member of our expedition missing, and that’s you!

We endeavor to run a Worldcon for everyone: the science fiction and fantasy fans, readers and viewers, cinephiles and TV junkies, fans of anime and manga and comics, gamers and filkers, fiction and nonfiction, art and illustration, imagination and science, and everything else under the sun. After all, what is a voyage of discovery without a rich world waiting to be discovered?

So, come join our expedition! Adventure does indeed await you. And we can’t wait to embark on this journey, together.

Joyce Lloyd
Chair, LAcon V

Chair, Los Angeles in 2026 Bid Committee


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