The World Science Fiction Convention (Worldcon) is an annual international gathering of science fiction and fantasy fans, writers, artists, musicians, and creators. First held in New York City in 1939, Worldcon visits a new city around the globe each year and is organized by a different group of dedicated volunteers who participate in a bidding process that is open to any group that meets a small number of technical regulations.

The longest running Science Fiction convention in the world, Worldcon originally focused on only Science Fiction and Fantasy. While both remain important, Worldcon continues to grow with each year of its celebration; now including genre television, films, animation, role-playing and table-top gaming, video games and other popular media as well. Since the mid-1970s, Worldcons have had an average attendance of 4,000-5,000 fans, with more or less depending on the host city.

All Worldcons follow the rules of the World Science Fiction Society, also known as WSFS. Worldcons technically only have three essential required events to be considered a Worldcon. These are administering the annual Hugo Awards; administering future Worldcon site selection; and holding a World Science Fiction Society Business Meeting.

We are excited to bring the 84th Worldcon back to California in 2026… we hope you will join us for LAcon V.

The Hugo Awards

The Hugo Awards are one of the most prestigious awards in the science fiction and fantasy community.  They are awarded each year by WSFS at that year’s Worldcon.

Nominations for the Hugo Awards to be presented at the 2026 Worldcon will open in early 2026. In order for a WSFS member to nominate works, a person must purchase a WSFS membership before January 31, 2026 or be a member of the Seattle Worldcon in 2025. After nominations have closed, the final ballot will be announced, and all members of LAcon V will be able to vote for the winners in each category.

Additionally, a Worldcon can choose to create a special category in the Hugo Awards should there be compelling reasons to do so. No decision has been made on this.

Site Selection

LAcon V will also administer the vote to determine where the 2028 Worldcon will be held. All members of LAcon V will be able to vote in Site Selection after payment of the extra voting fee. Voting in Site Selection automatically gives the voter a WSFS attending membership for the 2028 Worldcon. More details and information about site selection will be available later.

WSFS Business Meeting

The WSFS Business Meeting is where the WSFS members are able to debate and vote on the WSFS Constitution. This includes suggesting changes to the constitution about Hugo Award categories, how Site Selection is conducted, and how the Business Meeting is run.

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